Message from the President
Welcome to the UPSEU website! We have worked diligently to provide our members and those visiting our site with the necessary information about UPSEU to enhance their workplace, and to provide those seeking to join our great organization with the benefits of membership. Today, UPSEU is over 28,000 members strong. With members in nearly every classification of work in school districts, counties, libraries, towns, villages and other local municipalities, UPSEU has positioned itself as the union workers seek to belong to. Many of UPSEU members have come from other unions who have lost their way, while others come from associations who could no longer make it on their own. UPSEU as well, has filed more petitions for representation rights of non-represented workers than most unions in the northeast. With a staff to member ratio that is the best in labor today, we are able to deliver the day to day support that working people need to combat the demands of public employers. Our negotiators deliver the best contracts available to public employees found anywhere in the country. Both our COPS Division and Emergency Services Division are working to provide law enforcement and first responder personnel with the level of professional support they so rightfully deserve. Our work in providing the best available service for our members is never easy. We strive to get better and our organization is always seeking the input of those who need us most, our members. If you are looking for strong, honest, dedicated professional representation, we are a phone call away. For our members, we hope that you will visit often as a resource for not only what is happening in your union, but to take advantage of the programs and benefits we provide for our members. Yours in unity, Kevin E. Boyle, Jr.
Page Last Updated: Jul 19, 2019 (06:04:02)